Welcome to James Kelly-Smith Photography, my world of landscapes, forests, mountains and such.
For those new to me, I'm James Kelly-Smith, and I'm a landscape photographer (this sounds a bit like an AA meeting!!). I'm based in the Forest of Dean in the UK, however my passion is the mountains and more wilderness landscapes. So, I venture a lot into Wales, which I class my spiritual home. You will find my photos range from mountainous scenes, to woodlands, some small detailed macro photography as well as a bit of wildlife. Essentially, anything outdoors, but mainly landscapes.

So, what's this all about then?
Good question! I want to find ways to connect with my audience (customers, followers...dare I say it, fans? ha!) through my website. I know through Social Media that some of you enjoy the commentary that I provide behind the images I post, but I find some times I can never quite say enough, or it feels very brief! So a blog seems like the perfect way to really delve deep into what I do and bring my images to life a bit more.
What to expect?
So this will probably be a bit of a journey (yuck!...hate that term), but my thoughts are to add context to my images. Expect some behind the scenes and on-location posts, maybe something a bit more historically informative about a certain place, even some folklore no doubt along the way. Because I do love the stories and I guess that is what I try to convey in an image.
Come join me
I hope that you will find my posts interesting and that the passion and excitement will come through about the photos that I share. Remember I sell prints and canvases as well as other products, so do feel free to browse through my website and see what takes your fancy.
You can also keep up to date through subscribing to my mailing list, and you can be alerted to whenever there is a new exciting blog post. Click the button below and just pop your email address in the subscribe box.
As already mentioned, I'm on social media:
Facebook & Instagram: @jks.photographer
Twitter: @jksphotographer
If you have any ideas of the sort of things you would like to see on here, then do let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for visiting and I'll be posting real soon...
Absolutely love your photographs and look forward to reading your blog!