How the year ahead is looking

Happy New Year
Happy New Year to everyone and I hope you all had a lovely festive time. If you follow me on Social Media you will know mine was pretty much cancelled due to Covid, but thankfully nothing serious. It was a bit of a frustrating time as I just didn't have the energy to leave the house...or do anything really! But as with times like this, gives plenty of room for planning. As I'm writing this, I'm still very much in the ideas stage, but looks to be exciting times ahead.
2025 Calendar
Yes, yes...will I ever stop banging on about calendars!! But just to say that I will be releasing a 2025 Forest of Dean & Wye Valley themed Calendar and will provide more details of this later in the year. If you are a business reading this, what is new however is I am offering bespoke calendars. I did this for a client last year which went down really well whereby I can brand the calendar, such as adding the company name (or logo) to the front page, with your company's details and information added throughout. If this would something you would be interested in, then please contact me.
A Book...Maybe
My main project this year is to pull together a photography book of the Forest of Dean. I have a concept in mind and have been playing around with layouts and designs for this. It's a shame that upon reaching out to local printers that none of them have responded. However, I am currently in talks with a printer further afield who has done photography books for the likes of Simon Baxter, Nigel Danson and the Natural Landscape Photography Awards. Although this project is unlikely to be as big as theirs, initial talks have been encouraging and will be pulling together a proof of concept around May time with a view to get printed in time for Christmas. However, all this depends on demand, and whilst I have some shops interested, initial feelers on social media has been a bit luke warm. So, at the moment it's uncertain if I'm going to be able go ahead with this.
Would you be interest in a photography book by me?
Photography Talk
8th April, I am honoured and excited to be giving a talk to the Forest of Dean Camera Club, entitled "Another View of the Forest". It's great to be recognised by peers as having a different approach to photographing the local area, and looking forward to sharing my own thoughts and approach. Will be the first talk I've done, so I hope there will be some nuggets of information that people can take from it.
New Prints
As will be most years, throughout the year I will be updating on a regular basis my print store. I have also been developing a collection of prints different to my usual subject of landscape or woodland photography, which I hope you will still be interested in seeing. More on this later in the year.
Photography as usual
Just plain old photography as usual! Getting out there again throughout the year and capturing more beauty of the local area. I will be venturing out further, but have yet to decide where that will be this year. Maybe back to Snowdonia, or Pembrokeshire, or maybe somewhere completely new!
Anyway, that's how the year is looking for me so far, but you can keep up to date with everything going on, product launches and pre-orders by signing up to my mailing list.